Dotemachi Loop Bus
Dotemachi Loop Bus

The Dotemachi Loop Bus is convenient for sightseeing in Hirosaki.
April to November 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
December to March 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
From Hirosaki Bus Terminal(No.8) and JR Hirosaki Station Central Exit(D100) Runs every 10 min.

[Cash] Adults 150 yen, Children 80 yen
[IC card] Adults 130 yen, Children 70 yen
One-day ticket for Dotemachi Loop Bus,Joto Loop Bus services
Unlimited rides on date of purchase only.
Dotemachi Loop Bus,Joto Loop Bus(Omachi and Wattoku routes)
Adults: 500yen
Children: 250yen
Note:IC card only
Hirosaki City Public Transportation Map

Hirosaki city produced [Hirosaki City Public Transportation Map] to offer more convenient use of local trains and buses for the citizens and visitors.
Take thismap from nearest tourist information center and get information about the routes of local buses and trains and how to use local transportations.
Hirosaki City Public Transportation Map(Japanese Only)