Hirosaki Ninja House
The “Hirosaki Ninja house” is the only existing clan-managed Koga-style ninja mansion in Japan, and is said to have existed since 1761, in the late Edo period. The mansion was not used as a residence for the ninja clan, but was mainly used as a meeting place for the "Hayamichi no Mono", a group of ninja from the Hirosaki Clan, to exchange information.
The period when this mansion was used was not a time of warfare, but a time of peace with relatively little conflict, so there are no big tricks such as surprise attacks to surprise the enemy. Therefore, it is said that you can see the real ninja’s house here.
Inside the mansion, there are many features characteristic of a ninja mansion, such as a ninja detector, a hidden space behind a wall, and a guard window that is thought to have been used to watch the outside of the mansion. There are also many nail marks where medicinal herbs were hung out to dry, giving visitors a glimpse into the lifestyle of the ninja of that time.
Hirosaki Domain Ninja Group "Hayamichi no Mono"
The "Hayamichi no Mono" who were based in this mansion were a group of ninja of the Hirosaki domain formed by Nobumasa, the fourth lord of Tsugaru, who took Nakagawa Kohayato, a Koga-style ninja, and others as his retainers in Edo (now Tokyo). In the Hirosaki domain's divisional register (list of feudal warriors), there were about 60 names listed as "Hayamichi no Mono".
Since its establishment in 1674 (Enpo 2), the association was temporarily disbanded and reorganized, but continued to exist until the end of the Hakodate War in 1870 (Meiji 3), continuing for a total of approximately 196 years.
Hirosaki Ninja House with explanations if booked in advance. Entrance fee is 1,000 yen for adults and 500 yen for junior high school students and younger.
Ninja Cafe Region Instagram
Hirosaki Ninja no Sato Guest House